What steps should be followed in the classification and development process of tower crane design?


Tower lifting is an important construction and transportation equipment. With the development of the construction industry, tower lifting design has also become diverse. It is very important for workers engaged in tower lifting operation and maintenance team to fully understand the design process of tower crane.
First of all, tower crane design refers to the behavior that enterprise customers hire professional tower crane design service providers to provide comprehensive CMD technology services to enterprise customers to enhance enterprise technology advantages and reduce development costs.

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Secondly, tower crane design can be divided into four categories.
1. Developmental design based on "applying mature design experience or having feasible new technologies to design a new type of tower crane, mainly including functional design and institutional design";
2. Upgrade design with the content of "upgrading the existing tower crane design to improve performance, reduce manufacturing costs, or reduce operating costs based on usage experience and technological development";
3. Derivative design of "partial modification or addition or deletion of existing towers in order to meet new needs, so as to develop a derivative product that is different from the standard type",
4. And a series of designs that "use a kind of tower crane as the mother, and design a series of products that are similar in shape but have different power, tonnage, and size".
Finally, in the development process, the tower crane design can be divided into the following five steps:

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First, formulate needs analysis. According to the function, performance, work environment and other factors, together with the customer to formulate a detailed user requirements statement, and then determine the development goals.
Preliminary programme design. According to the analysis of requirements, the plan is formulated, including function and parameter setting, basic calculation, and preliminary three-dimensional master drawing, and then preliminary review with the customer.
Third, detailed program design. Listen to the first instance opinions and implement the plan design. Modify and refine the general map of the 3D model, draw the 3D diagram of the parts, and perform finite element analysis and dynamic simulation of the structural components. Then with the customer for a second review.
Fourth, the final plan and drawing. Listen to the opinions of the second instance and revise the design of the plan. Draws the floor plan(such as part diagram, part assembly diagram and assembly plan, painting diagram, etc.), gives the part list, the list of vulnerable parts.
Production of all technical documents, including publicity and technical samples, product instructions.

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How can the rated life of the tower crane be determined to reach the rated life?
[ Key words: Tower Hang Rated Life Publication Date: 2012-05-10 23:03:55]
After the "Technical Regulations for the Safety Assessment of Construction Lifting Machinery" was formally promulgated and implemented, "10 years" will be used as the "rated life" of Tower cranes below 63 TM, but some such tower cranes do not reach this life. It is also possible that a small number of Tower hanging users who do not understand science and security awareness will have a tower hanging life of at least 10 years, thus aggravating illegal use during the "rated life" period, resulting in early damage to the tower hanging. So, how do we get the tower crane to its rated life? Tower crane construction machinery factory based on years of experience in tower crane production and use, summed up the following six points.
Equipment management
After the promulgation and implementation of the "Technical Regulations for the Safety Assessment of Construction Lifting Machinery", the tower crane user shall dispose of a large number of old equipment that has expired and is still in use in accordance with the regulations to eliminate safety hazards.
Personnel management

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Pay attention to the quality education of tower crane managers and tower crane operators. Trained the tower crane operator in theoretical knowledge and practical operation skills.
III. Non-destructive testing
The property right unit shall establish a non-destructive inspection system for the main components of the tower crane for more than 5 years, and promptly master the intact condition of the equipment. If the equipment is rented, it shall provide a tower crane in good condition after inspection.
Explicit specification information
The tower crane manufacturer indicates to the user the work level, number of work cycles, or rated service life of the product on the specifications, etc., so that the user understands the use requirements of the product.
Government Regulation

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Government departments have strengthened supervision over the use of Tower lifts for more than five years. In addition to requiring regular self-inspection by tower cranes, regulatory authorities should also conduct inspections.
Monitoring of technical means
The use of Tower hoist use of reliable technical means to strengthen monitoring. For example, the black box for tower lifting can be scientifically tested for illegal operation of Tower lifting, provide real and reliable data for managers to effectively manage equipment, effectively prevent and suppress accidents, and eliminate hidden dangers to safe production. At the same time, it also provides detailed data inquiries for the quality supervision department.

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